Last night I realised a lot, although the one thing that stood out in front of the rest, was how restricted I feel. The weekend that has just passed exemplified this perfectly considering I had almost everyone telling me how to feel or react. Apparently I am not mature or intelligent enough to decide who I should and shouldn't have relations with, reguardless of my feelings. According to others I should be astounded at the fact numerous things were stolen from my party. The fact is I expected it. Never have I once expected common decency from those around me because of past experiences, so why should I all of a sudden assume that people will treat me with the same respect that I treat them.. I mean it's never been like that for me before. Don't get me wrong, it's utterly disgusting how some people treat me, but I am aware of it and know how to handle myself. I'm always second guessed, yet the return of the items looks promising and all thanks to the one person everyone questioned me about. It's time for everyone else to start worrying about themselves, and perhaps attempt to hold some faith within my judgement. I am beginning questioning how much more I can bare of the condescending glances and interrogating manners of those who I hold close.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
In Phoenix
Last night I realised a lot, although the one thing that stood out in front of the rest, was how restricted I feel. The weekend that has just passed exemplified this perfectly considering I had almost everyone telling me how to feel or react. Apparently I am not mature or intelligent enough to decide who I should and shouldn't have relations with, reguardless of my feelings. According to others I should be astounded at the fact numerous things were stolen from my party. The fact is I expected it. Never have I once expected common decency from those around me because of past experiences, so why should I all of a sudden assume that people will treat me with the same respect that I treat them.. I mean it's never been like that for me before. Don't get me wrong, it's utterly disgusting how some people treat me, but I am aware of it and know how to handle myself. I'm always second guessed, yet the return of the items looks promising and all thanks to the one person everyone questioned me about. It's time for everyone else to start worrying about themselves, and perhaps attempt to hold some faith within my judgement. I am beginning questioning how much more I can bare of the condescending glances and interrogating manners of those who I hold close.
Friday, August 28, 2009
My all time low
After anticipation consumed me, the night I thought would be memorable, was in fact that, but for all the wrong reasons. I genuinely havent been more happy to see the majority of my friends all in the same place and the vodka went down with great ease, pity I came to the biggest realisation of this year.. I oblivious to the majority of things around me and people's characters. The thought of having someone genuinely appreciate and return the adoration I feel towards them, scares me. It's sad that I expect nothing more than to be fucked over. Apparently electronics and frozen goods are both ideal items to thieve at a house party. I'm yet to find any justification for their acts, probably because there isn't one. Nothing more than a night gone wrong.
Monday, August 24, 2009
The consonant
The letter "J" has impacted tonight more than I suspected any letter ever could.
First of all, a boy of a name that begins with "J", is now the reason for this confused mind state I am left in. I loathe every dimension of his personality, but without fail I break downwithout any real justification for my tears every time I see him. He played the game better than all the rest that he followed, and somehow managed to take my heart and utterly destroy it.. hurting it in everyway he knew possible, yet wore the facade of the naive heartbreak. He wiped every tear that stained the pillows, yet then became the reason for them. I hate the fact I cannot hate him.
Secondly, my saviour of tonight was a girl whose name started with a "J". Yet again she astonished me with her angelic manner in the way she wiped away every tear I shed without even being in the room. I'm unsure how I would ever manage without her, or how I ever have in the past. Without her, I know for a fact I would be spending the rest of tonight questioning every action I have ever made. I truly love her, and will be forever grateful to have had her in my life.
First of all, a boy of a name that begins with "J", is now the reason for this confused mind state I am left in. I loathe every dimension of his personality, but without fail I break downwithout any real justification for my tears every time I see him. He played the game better than all the rest that he followed, and somehow managed to take my heart and utterly destroy it.. hurting it in everyway he knew possible, yet wore the facade of the naive heartbreak. He wiped every tear that stained the pillows, yet then became the reason for them. I hate the fact I cannot hate him.
Secondly, my saviour of tonight was a girl whose name started with a "J". Yet again she astonished me with her angelic manner in the way she wiped away every tear I shed without even being in the room. I'm unsure how I would ever manage without her, or how I ever have in the past. Without her, I know for a fact I would be spending the rest of tonight questioning every action I have ever made. I truly love her, and will be forever grateful to have had her in my life.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Seven days
Party like a rockstar, and look like a movie star xo
Monday, August 17, 2009
Hearts don't break
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Sleep deprived
For the first time in ages.. I truly don't know what will come next. It seems like everyone around me is aware of the fact I am in way over my head. In a city of such wonder I refuse to be sucked in. One night of sin has never hurt anybody. I know from an outside perspective I seem to be clueless on which paths I intend to cross in my life, but which ever path I do encounter, I swear to tread with careful footsteps. It seems as if everyone within my life wants to second guess my actions and attitude, as if I am naive to my surroundings. I am well aware of every movement I make, and I am sick of having to reassure everyone to trust me in the fact I know what I am doing. I am holding out for the day when I can leave this town behind and prove them all wrong, well in the meantime at least I have Mourning Tide playing,
cigarettes vodka, 39'er and jessica to keep me sane.
cigarettes vodka, 39'er and jessica to keep me sane.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Good girls never stay that way
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
My Tuesday Night

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Publish Post
Her Last Song - S.A.H
To the writer of this song, this post isn't directed at you even in the slightest, even though your actions towards me proved to be heartless and exemplified your complete lack of common decency.. but somehow these lyrics you wrote for have seemed to reach perfect symmetry with how I have been feeling about my ex, b.m.g. No person has ever come closer to my heart, nor has one person ever let me down so much.. this is not a public display of my disappointment or heartbreak, because it is physically impossible for a heart to ever break. Although this is a goodbye.
When the rain falls..
Once the rain begins to descend upon the pavement, the streets are then littered with the common business man or woman with an umbrella.. After spending another casual Sunday afternoon listening to my ipod on shuffle, I came across two songs on my mp3 player, whose lyrics depicted an umbrella and how it somehow came into holding significance in a relationship. The two songs I am referring to are "Umbrella" by Rihanna and "Forget About the Forecast" by The Arrival. Both songs basically imply for their significant other to come under their umbrella, as if it gives them some sense of security, although when used in real life context it does depict a grim sight. About two years ago, I was innocently going about my business and walking in the rain, amongst the cold city sights in hope of reaching a coffee shop of some sorts. Eventually, the sound of mugs and glasses clinking against each other became audible. Just as I was close to crossing the final zebra striped piece of pavement, a middle aged man turned and looked at me. With a self righteous smirk smeared across his face, he gained the audacity to look me straight in the eye and say "Hey baby, you look cold.. I could be your umbrella." Never have I felt so disgusted and speechless, thankfully the lights turned green and I was able to make a quick escape. I suppose the moral of this story, is that no matter how good a lyric sounds as a pick up line never use it, especially if you're a middle aged man...
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