I'm all robotics now. All for the money. No time to be wasted on those fables and make-believers. No weak knees or sweaty palms. I'm untouchable. Unaffected. It's delicious. Pure wonder. Don't waste trying to understand, just embrace. Lost myself, found a better version. This city won't take me and I will be damned if it try. Red nails, high heels and ignorance. I'm in bliss. Friends seem to fly in and out of my life. Diets seem never ending. But never looking for approval, now that's utter pleasure. Nothing less than the best baby. Don't look back.
Friday, October 23, 2009
I'm all robotics now. All for the money. No time to be wasted on those fables and make-believers. No weak knees or sweaty palms. I'm untouchable. Unaffected. It's delicious. Pure wonder. Don't waste trying to understand, just embrace. Lost myself, found a better version. This city won't take me and I will be damned if it try. Red nails, high heels and ignorance. I'm in bliss. Friends seem to fly in and out of my life. Diets seem never ending. But never looking for approval, now that's utter pleasure. Nothing less than the best baby. Don't look back.