A glimmer of hope existed within me today. Although fleeting, I refuse to disregard such a delight. No morsel of guilt, nor regret, exists for that kiss we shared. Under my breath, I whispered every single word I longed to tell you, but somehow couldn't. If only you heard, or I was summon the courage, then perhaps this could perhaps blossom into something sought out by the thousands. I long to be the girl of your dreams, but find it hard to fathom expressing my adoration for you, as you've found another. You found a lover. And nobody wants some pre-loved item of affection, who is damaged. Although you may not have realised it. You rescued me today... my own knight in shining armour.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Goodbye knight
A glimmer of hope existed within me today. Although fleeting, I refuse to disregard such a delight. No morsel of guilt, nor regret, exists for that kiss we shared. Under my breath, I whispered every single word I longed to tell you, but somehow couldn't. If only you heard, or I was summon the courage, then perhaps this could perhaps blossom into something sought out by the thousands. I long to be the girl of your dreams, but find it hard to fathom expressing my adoration for you, as you've found another. You found a lover. And nobody wants some pre-loved item of affection, who is damaged. Although you may not have realised it. You rescued me today... my own knight in shining armour.